24 October 2008

A bitter dispute...

Bandmates will be bandmates. Some things never change. There always seems to be something that can drive a wedge between guys who rely on each other, night after night, to bring the best they have to the band's performance. All in the hopes that, at the end of the night, everyone who has paid to watch the band has had their balls rocked off and will be back again.

You know what I mean, maybe Tommy Gunns hordes all his blow and Johnny Emaxx, who, you know, may need a little boost, freaks on Gunns and stops talking to him for a week or two. Until all is forgiven when they tag team some cougar from Spuzzum, high-fiving the whole time . Or maybe Gunns gets pissed at Likki for cock-blocking him on some 16 year-old groupie who, really now...wasn't gonna get with some guitar hero who is old enough to be her great uncle anyway. You know the one her grampa's parents had in their late forties, by mistake.

But now we have what could be the strangest dispute between band members that I have ever been witness to. Seems Dannii Lee Damage asked Likki Stixx to do him a favour and Likki said 'no can do'. Damage asked Stixx, a huge coffee addict, to boycott Starbucks. With his longtime association with the worldwide coffee giant, it's not a surprise Stixx declined. Now this may not seem to be a big deal, and really, it's not. But it is odd, if only due to the reason behind Damage's request. Like Stixx's jones for an espresso or two, Damage has one huge monkey on his back...big breasts. After reading about caffeine's supposed detrimental effect on breast size, Damage is trying to stigmatize young women's consumption of said stimulant. Yes, you read right. Coffee drinking = small tits. Go figure.


Eli Finkelstein (Cy's kid)

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