13 August 2008

Ok kids...

With all the talk the last couple weeks about country music and saddles and shit like that, I feel it's not unreasonable for me to get on my high f**king horse today. I hate to bring everyone down, but it's hump day after all. I rarely if ever get serious on this stupid blog, and I know I run the risk of driving away all three of the people who read these ridiculous ramblings, but here goes nothin'.

I have written here many times about all the debauchery that can be part of a Toyz show. To be crass, it's all about the liquor sales for the club in the end, right? We all love to have a beverage or two (or twenty seven) at the club, watching our favorite 80's hair metal heroes. Reliving our glory days, or the glory days of our parents, perhaps. Don't get me wrong we've all done it, even this punk. But for Christ's sake, if Johnny F**king Emaxx can learn and leave his goddamned car at the venue at the end of the night (ok, so he's usually leaving with some two-bit groupie, but still...) then can't we all grab a f**king brain and do the same? If you've had sixteen beer and a pile of shots DON'T DRIVE HOME!

Now some of us think that nothing bad will ever happen to us. But those of us that are older than twelve and know better, should remember that we need to worry about people besides ourselves, some of us are mothers and fathers, all of us are sons and daughters, and some people even have....friends. So do everyone a favour and remember that if something happens to you because you keep doing stupid shit, there are a lot of people besides yourself who pay the price.

Now I'll get out of my glass house and hide in my dungeon, again.

And as for the reason I'm being a dick today...those responsible know who they are.

Now back to our regularly scheduled stupidity...

Eli Finkelstein (Cy's kid...I love ya Pops, never change)

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