04 November 2008

Geek alert!!!

Now, I know we're all about the rock 'n' roll when it comes to this band. But today I will be brief and I may sound like the world's biggest geek, but... I am totally preoccupied with the election today. It's all I can think about. Not only am I worried that 'Saturday Night Live' may not have much fodder for material for 4 years if Obama wins, but a greater tragedy is in the works.

What if McCain/Palin pull off the greatest upset in US political history? Not only will the country, and the world, continue on its road to Hell in a handbasket (I don't know why, but I love that saying that, I'm gonna try to use it again today before this blog is done), but it will strike at the core of the Toyz.

If Sarah Palin becomes Vice President of the United States (do they call the second in command VPOTUS?), she will have a full compliment of Secret Service agents watching her 24 hours a day. In that case, how is Damage gonna get his steady diet of Alaskan Bearded Clam? I mean, he's a creative guy and all, but, come on, how do you give the slip to pros like Frank Horrigan and Lilly Raines so you can get into the slip of the Palin-ator?

Anyway, back to why this is gonna be a short post today (and those chances are going to Hell in a handbasket...eh, didn't really work did it?), I am, seriously, so amped up about this stupid election. To misquote Denis Leary, I'm gonna be sittin' on my couch in my underwear, all day, with a cigarette in one hand and a f**kin' cheeseburger in the other hoping that this f**kin' election never ends. Bring it on Keith Olbermann, bring it on Wolf Blitzer, bring it on Campbell Brown (or...take it off, if you insist), I want all the info all the time. Election data overdose...

I promise, I'll be back. And I will be normal. Soon...

Eli 'The Obama-nation' Finkelstein (Cy's kid)

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