09 October 2008

Anyone got a light?

Just when I thought that the Dannii Lee Damage-Sarah Palin scuttle was the apex of Broken Toyz involvment in the world of U.S. politics, word slips out, from under the rock that is the "Drudge Report", the the Democratic party has some Toyz connections of it's own. And no, Johnny Emaxx isn't wheeling Michelle Obama (although, we hear he has a thang for tha sistas, and baby does have back). It's that damned Tommy Gunns fella. And the object of his obsession? None other than that ball-busting political dominatrix...wait for it...Hillary Clinton.

While the pairing is nothing if not age appropriate, you'd think that Gunns would be a little more subtle than the stories would suggest. Chelsea's ob/gyn and I were chatting over frozen daiquiris the other night. He said that as he was doing Chelsea's pap the other day, she told him that Hillary had pooh-poohed reservations Gunns had expressed, over the phone, about a particular tryst they'd set up. Obviously not thinking clearly, Gunns then showed up with a box of Cuban cigars. His claim that she was right that his concern was foolish, and that turnabout was fair play, was met with derision and a threat to insert the cigars in a seldom seen orifice of Gunns'.

Now, it may be that Gunns has an eye on the future, maybe a spot on some future Democratic cabinet (Secretary of Foreign 'Relations' possibly?), but, really, Hillary? I've known people in drug-induced comas who were warmer, socially than Hill can be. Besides, as far as Palin vs. Clinton goes, in terms of who we'd rather have carnal knowledge of, Damage has the upper hand. Palin is much hotter, and two decades younger. Now, if only we could get him to stop her from speaking.

Rock the vote...

Eli Finkelstein (Cy's kid)

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